Ra’ed Project for Public School Girls Empowerment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)
The Ra’ed Project is designed in the memory of WA’s late Access alumnus, Ra’ed Al Saheb, and is an upscaled continuation of a 2021 U.S. Department of State PAS-awarded project. The project has broadened the scope of that 2021 project and now reaches 432 eighth through tenth grade Palestinian and Jordanian female public and UNRWA school students in the cities of Irbid and Jerash, in both refugee camps and urban areas.
Ra’ed is a dynamic and innovative 21st century skills-based educational community development program that decreases social stereotypes against women and girls by empowering these underprivileged female students to become participants and leaders in STEM fields in Jordan and around the world.
To do so, Ra’ed utilizes inclusive and experiential learning methods that provide participants the freedom to experiment creatively throughout an 8-week series of STEM workshops and trainings on building Arduino UNO functional micro-robots. By the end of the project, each of the participants is able to build and program fully-functional Arduino UNO micro-robots, but the significance of the project is far greater than any single robot. This project does not merely create awareness of STEM professional opportunities and prepare students to compete on the global STEM and ICT market. Rather, it delivers genuine, lasting experiences that transform individual lives — the young women who graduate from this program have confidence, resiliency, critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership skills that they would not have otherwise — and they have the technical knowledge to apply those skills on the journey towards transforming the future of STEM/ICT in Jordan and across the globe.
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